Viñedo El Pedregal / ASP Arquitectura Sergio Portillo

Viñedo El Pedregal (San Miguel de Allende, Mexico) por ASP Arquitectura Sergio Portillo. San Miguel de Allende es uno de los principales sitios turísticos de México. La actividad vinícola en la región ha permitido un crecimiento turístico y económico muy importante; la ruta del vino del Bajío es una de las más importantes del país. El proyecto consiste en un plan maestro dentro de un predio lotificado para el plantío de viñedos más un conjunto con actividades públicas y privadas de descanso y esparcimiento.

El programa se divide por dos factores importantes en el terreno: una ladera que secciona al terreno en norte y sur; y una línea de alta tensión que divide en oriente y poniente, teniendo así un terreno dividido en cuatro cuadrantes.

Todas las edificaciones del conjunto aprovechan el paisaje incluso se integran a las zonas con mayor altitud, la intención de todo el proyecto es tener una estética que no compita con los elementos existentes, sino que se integren y se complementen con el entorno.

Los materiales de construcción que se proponen son locales: piedra, barro, cantera, madera y concreto con agregados de tierra; dichos materiales tienen bajo impacto en la construcción local y son de fácil acceso. Los edificios y las casas tendrán una superficie de desplante que no impacte en el suelo, se dará prioridad al espacio exterior y las orientaciones adecuadas para lograr microclimas con buena ventilación e iluminación natural.

Ficha técnica
Nombre: Viñedo El Pedregal
Ubicacion: San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Proyectista: ASP Arquitectura Sergio Portillo
Director: Sergio Portillo Alarcón
Artista Visual: Ivan Reyes Almaraz
Paisajismo: PA-AR Paisaje y Arquitectura
Año: 2018

Instagram: @asp_mx

English version

Vineyard El Pedregal
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
ASP Arquitectura Sergio Portillo

San Miguel de Allende is one of Mexico’s premier tourist sites, with wine activity throughout the region that has enabled significant tourism and economic growth. In recent years, vineyards offering tastings and tours, as well as the region’s breathtaking architecture, have proven to be a popular combination. It is within that context that ASP was presented with the opportunity to engage in a project to develop a multipurpose complex in a field featuring a small hill.

The project consists of a master plan that is divided into private estates of 6,000 to 8,000 m², as well as 87 hectares of vineyards and buildings destined for public recreation and relaxation. Public areas include a boutique hotel, a spa, a clubhouse, a restaurant, an equestrian club, and multiple sports courts.

The intent of the design was to develop an aesthetic to complement, rather than compete with, existing elements. ASP achieved that vision by integrating each volume into the landscape while using strategically-located horizontal concrete and stone platforms to prevent obstructed views from within each space. The materials used, including stone, wood, earth, gravel, and pavers, serve as unifying elements due to their chromatic and neutral finishes, as well as their local origins.

The complex also features an orchard that supplies some of the restaurant’s fresh ingredients. The vineyards are irrigated courtesy of a drip irrigation system, supplied by two existing wells. As part of the boutique hotel, an artificial lake was designed to generate microclimates and microenvironments that favor the landscape.

About ASP
ASP is an architectural firm located in Mexico City that was founded in 2014 by Sergio Portillo Alarcón, whose background includes more than a decade of managing all aspects of a contracting company. The firm focuses on generating value through contemporary practices of architecture and urbanism. Their approach is sensitive to context and the environment, combining high-tech materials with regionally procured products. ASP is truly committed to the experiences that people extract from architecture. Accordingly, the firm focuses on proposals that are relevant to both a site and its environment, taking the specifics of both into consideration. ASP works closely with multidisciplinary specialists in order to find solutions that dignify a project and generate true value for its clients.

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